Big news about TAME’s Outstanding Senior Award! Join our new Executive Director and our 2020 Statewide Presenting Sponsor ConocoPhillips for this special announcement.
Each year, TAME selects an Outstanding Senior from the State STEM Competition to receive an award for their academic accomplishment and STEM enthusiasm. This year, ConocoPhillips has chosen to fund scholarships for all the Spring 2020 graduates who would have attended this year’s State STEM Competition event in Huntsville.
Award winners: want to post a reaction video when you open your mail? Hold up the flyer we’re sending, and tag @TAMESTEM with #WattsUpSTEM, the winning hashtag from the Creative Design Contest. Congratulations again to our Hashtag Prize Winner, Eduardo Cisneros of Lewisville High School in the Dallas Chapter.
We are grateful for ConocoPhillips’ generous support of our students and ongoing commitment to encourage students to pursue futures in STEM.
Join ConocoPhillips in helping to connect Texas students to STEM learning:
Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering (TAME) is a statewide 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1976 that enables Texas students to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (#STEM). Learn more:

Certificates of Invitation to be mailed to students.

The winning artwork from the Creative Design Contest with the theme “Energy.Power.Progress.” Congratulations again to our Artwork Prize Winner, Eunsuh “Jasmine” Cho of McNeil High School in the Capital Area Chapter.