If you’ve been lucky enough to experience a visit from a Trailblazer mobile science museum, you may have met one of our Facilitators, V. J. Willis. A retired teacher with a big heart and a love of sharing knowledge, V. J. is a person that many are grateful to know. And on this national holiday of gratitude, we thought we should share the message he sent to the TAME State Headquarters, explaining what he is thankful for this year.
Dear TAME Friends,
I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. Enjoy your time with family and friends. Take time to reflect on all you have been blessed with.
I am thankful for the wonderful and supportive team we have become at TAME, and I am thankful for the opportunity we have to touch students’ lives in a positive way. When we see the many challenges kids go through in today’s society our hearts ache for them. It is no small wonder when they flourish in spite of it. We provide hope for them; a light in the darkness.
Thank each of you for the vital role you each play in that noble endeavor.
V. J. Willis
Trailblazer Facilitator
Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering