“GENEROSITY BREEDS OPPORTUNITY. For 30 years, TAME has conducted an annual competition where students from all across Texas compete in a math test, a science test and an engineering design challenge. Last year, the Sundt Foundation made a $3,300 grant to help send 300 TAME students and 75 chaperones to the competition in San Antonio, free of cost. Corporate donations, such as this one, open up new opportunities to TAME students. In the case of the San Antonio competition, some students would not have been able to participate due to financial barriers.”
The Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering (TAME) is pleased to be featured alongside our community partner, the Sundt Foundation, in a recent article, “Corporate Responsibility Starts with Providing Opportunities,” published in the San Antonio & Austin edition of The Blue Book Network’s magazine, The Who’s Who in Building & Construction.
Download a PDF of the article here, or read the full article online here.