That’s (almost) a wrap on the school year! Thank you to all our TAME Chapter and Club leaders for your commitment. We’re grateful to you for partnering with us for the first year of TAME’s refocused program strategy that focuses TAME Club learning around engineering and the role of engineers in tackling real-world challenges.
TAME plans to build on what we learned from this pilot year of implementation and adapt our approach based on your feedback. We heard from TAME Chapter and Club Leaders that students loved the focus on real-world issues, and it would be great to have more engineering activities to choose from to engage students with different interests.
Engineering Activities Based on Sustainable Development Goals
For the 2023-24 school year, TAME will provide engineering curriculum resources based on the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs. The 17 SDGs are all interconnected and together represent a shared global framework – and a universal call to action – for making the world more just, fair and equitable. Engineers play a pivotal role in advancing each of the SDGs. By aligning our curriculum with this global framework for positive change, we hope to engage students and further expose them to the many exciting opportunities within the engineering field.
The 2023-24 toolkit will include eight different lessons and associated activities to learn about the first eight SDGs (the following year TAME will focus on the remaining nine goals). Students will be able to pick the SDG that they relate to and then engage in learning activities based on that goal. Linking TAME’s curricular approach to the SDGs allows us to provide TAME Clubs with a broader array of tools and resources that you can use to create engaging learning experiences for your students.
Updated, Comprehensive TAME Learning Hub Coming Soon
The TAME team is working on putting together a comprehensive TAME Learning Hub with an updated collection of online resources, including the 2023-24 curriculum, lesson plans, college and career readiness materials, Club Leader guide, math skill-building resources, and more. The TAME Learning Hub will ultimately be a place where Club Leaders, students and families can go to access information and resources for engineering education.
TAME will send a welcome message to families at the beginning of the school year, inviting them to explore the new TAME Learning Hub. By creating an opportunity for voluntary parent involvement, we hope to more intentionally welcome families into the TAME community.
TAME Toolkit & Timeline Overview for 2023-34
The 2023-24 toolkit will also have some familiar elements, including t-shirts, materials for hands-on activities related to the SDGs, as well as a math manipulative set. Math manipulatives will be tailored for middle and high school classrooms. We hope these new tools will help you reinforce students’ conceptual understanding of key math concepts. The TAME toolkit will have crossover utility, designed to support many different learning activities.
TAME Club registration will open on August 7. TAME Engineering Competitions will take place in January and February of 2024, and TAME Scholarships will be awarded in the spring.
Thank you for your partnership in supporting the next generation of diverse Texas engineers! We will send more information about the 2023-24 curricular resources and toolkit later this summer. In the meantime, ENJOY your well-deserved break!
Please stay tuned to this page on TAME’s website for more updates. Starting in July, TAME will update registration and competition dates for the 2023-24 school year.