The Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering (TAME) is thrilled to announce that Marathon Oil will sponsor Trailblazer mobile science museum visits for communities in the Eagle Ford Shale region. The donations from Marathon Oil will support the TAME Trailblazers, bringing an innovative, mobile STEM engagement program to schools in the local communities in South East […]
Trailblazer Brings the Future to Graham, Texas
Brayden Nall, 6, of Graham, manipulates a surgical simulation program with joysticks Tuesday morning. (Brian Rash) TAME’s Trailblazer II mobile science museum made headlines in the Graham Leader this weekend with a recent visit to the Library of Graham. Featured front and center is a photograph of a six-year-old boy completing a successful surgery with […]
Trailblazer Makes Front-Page News
TAME’s Trailblazer II mobile science museum made front-page news in the Sunday edition of the Polk County Enterprise. “SCIENCE ROCKS” reads the headline, beneath a photo of three students grinning as they interact with the Van de Graaff Generator exhibit. Volunteers like Patricia Snook of the Livingston Municipal Library help the students connect with the […]