“Today was really, really fun. It was a great experience,” said eighth-grader Holly James, who said she wants to pursue a career in health science. “We learned about all types of electricity and how stuff works in space and how the weather men and women do their jobs.” From our East Texas Chapter Chair, Cyndi […]
TAME in the News
Today’s Investment in Tomorrow’s Workforce
“GENEROSITY BREEDS OPPORTUNITY. For 30 years, TAME has conducted an annual competition where students from all across Texas compete in a math test, a science test and an engineering design challenge. Last year, the Sundt Foundation made a $3,300 grant to help send 300 TAME students and 75 chaperones to the competition in San Antonio, […]
STEM Investments: A win-win for Texas competitiveness and our communities
How does a kid from Baytown end up working on the spacecraft that will take us to Mars? “Education.” That’s what a Boeing engineer – and Baytown native – said to a group of students in Texas. And we could not agree more. Our future engineers, scientists and leaders are sitting in […]
Former TAME Student Wins 2nd in World with Engineering Project
Congratulations to former TAME student Sai Sameer Pusapaty! For the second time, he won 2nd place in the world in Environmental Engineering at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. Intel ISEF is the world’s largest pre-collegiate science competition, so Sameer’s project was one among 1,330 others from over 70 other countries and territories. The […]
See the Action from 2016 State STEM Competition
See all the action from this weekend’s 31st annual State STEM Competition, sponsored by Boeing and hosted at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. Thanks for everyone who tweeted the day’s events with us! [<a href=”//storify.com/TAME_STEM/tame-2016-state-stem-competition” target=”_blank”>View the story “TAME 2016 State STEM Competition” on Storify</a>] Official press release to follow soon. Results will be posted at […]
TAME Board Member’s BEYA Acceptance Speech
“Service is inextricably woven into the tapestry of my life,” says engineer and TAME Board Member Tamara Crawford, during her acceptance speech at the 2016 BEYA STEM Conference. “My joy is inspiring youth through STEM.” TAME is proud to recognize Tamara, who won the Special Recognition award at the 2016 BEYA STEM Conference. Recognition from BEYA […]